Thursday, April 23, 2009

Oh my's. I'm already quite tired. my eyes are sleepy, and I'm too tired to add up any more numbers. The weather is ok. too windy for my hair feathers, but the sun peeks out and i love it. also greg said there was hope for my boots. and since they are my favorite...well...yay! yay is all i have to say.

hmm what else...i had lunch with westley. and he's cute so thats all i need for a good day. soon i'll be shoveling off up the street to el ricardos to sit at yet another desk...with a slighly less comfortable chair...actually a way uncomfortable chair. it sucks. but i get to look forward to smuggles later so i'll just try to think positive.... **rolls eyes**

it has come to my attention that i dont not have enough dinosaurs or piglets on my my near and devout followers...i hope this is of some comfort to your aching heart. christopher mullanada and rebecca awesomess.... i hope you have smiles now.... well...grapes and bananas :D

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