Wednesday, February 4, 2009

haha! hhaaa haa hahha haa ha!!

ok, so the news said this wasn't funny- But I've got news for you news people...

It was, and I'll tell you why, everytime I read the paper or watch the news it's always depressing, the economy, the war, the economy, the warrr, blah blah blah- i'm broke, unemployed and have a crazy family, so I wanna hear good news, hopeful stuff, the kind of news that warms my heart-

This made me laugh alot, thus warming my heart. so thank you to the fine people who pulled this tactful prank off....

thank you!

1 comment:

Ben Hallman said...

Haha, this happened in Austin, TX - just a few months after I left. I passed this road almost everyday...I miss Austin for things like this.

You have a very entertaining blog - you're an excellent picture finder. I just started one for my audio nerdness :)


p.s. Nazi zombies ahead!