Friday, April 17, 2009


i have been a slight slacker. only slight tho. think. think. think. let's see. well it was an interesting week. the weather had a turn for the miserable and it rained most of all of it. Bumpy Rhodes has a new apartment *smiles* the weather had a lovely change of heart and is now beautiful!

but for more sad and depressing camera died. its dead and gone. hopefully soon i find out that its back in a SONY warehouse safe and sound with a loving individual who will care and nurture it back to good health. cuz its nice out. and i miss it :/

as you wipe the tear from your eye. you can laugh at this. i'll see ya later. i have to go kidnap my man and give him the best smuggles, hugs and kisses of his whole dear life.


serious business.

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